At CORSTUDIOS, we value creating a safe, family-centered environment. Focused on fostering a place for our students to explore their abilities and enrich their dance training in confidence, it is important that everyone follows simple studio rules.,
~ Students are expected to be well groomed with hair pulled back neatly off the face and wearing correct uniform and shoes
~ Jewellery is not to be worn in classes
~ Class levels and placements are made at the discretion of the teaching staff
and are set for the year unless informed otherwise
~ Food is only to be consumed in our "Student Zone" or outside
~ CORSTUDIOS must be notified if you wish to participate in any dance-related external events such as workshops, competitions, performances etc
~ All choreography and routines taught at CORSTUDIOS is the property of the studio & copyright of CORSTUDIOS
~Routines cannot be used to represent any other studio or competed without permission of CORSTUDIOS
This includes but is not limited to solos, duo/trios, troupes, class combinations & showcase routines
~ Troupes and group routines can NOT be sold without permission of CORSTUDIOS
~ Parents and students are to be polite and respectful to all CORSTUDIOS staff
~ Students are expected to act respectfully and professionally at all times
When wearing CORSTUDIOS uniform or representing CORSTUDIOS at competitions, students are to be gracious and polite to all staff and other competitors
~ The premises and all property on premise is to be treated with respect at all times. Destruction of property will not be tolerated under any circumstance and the customer will be responsible for any damages
~ Students aged 14 yrs and under must be collected by a parent from inside the studio. Young students U14 are not to wait outside
~ CORSTUDIOS is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items
~ CORSTUDIOS has a zero tolerance for bullying. Any form of bullying via social media, verbal, physical will result in immediate dismissal.
~Public defamation of CORSTUDIOS and/or it's staff & students will not be tolerated
~ Studio will be opened 15 minutes prior to the first class of the day. Parents are prohibited from leaving their child at the studio outside their allocated class times. Our duty of care is not actioned outside class times. We have a "student zone" for students to wait if they have a break between classes. This area will be monitored.
~ Fees are structured for a period of a full term, regardless of duration
~ The "customer" is the account holder for the student
The customer is accountable for all fees for the period of the enrolled year.
~We are happy to send email to several addresses to accomodate split families, however we will not divide fees. The account holder is responsible for full payment.
~ Fees are non-refundable
~ Fees are due upfront. All fees must be paid prior to term commencement. Set due dates are listed on invoices as a well as payment options (Cash, Cheque, Direct Debit or Credit Card (3% surcharge)
~ Gateway payment instalments are available if required.
This is not a 'pay as you go' option; strict conditions apply. Please see below.
~ Late payments will incur a 10% charge of the full amount owed.
If fees remain unpaid for longer than 14 days, students will not be able to participate in classes or private lessons until the debt is cleared in full
~ Competition students with outstanding accounts will be withdrawn from all solos and duo/trios until debt is cleared in full
~ If a previous term account is outstanding the student will NOT be able to commence classes until the debt is cleared.
~ A one-week "cooling-off" period for students to withdraw/change their enrolment. Should a student withdraw, a charge for one-week worth of classes will apply at $15.00 + GST per class. Discounts will not apply.
~In the event that in-person classes cannot continue due to COVID-19, virtual classes will continue on zoom. Therefore, refunds will not be granted.
~ Withdrawal after the one-week "cooling off" period term fees apply for the full amount of enrolled classes, regardless of attendance record for the term
~ Extended periods of absence for serious medical reasons only. A customer credit will by applied only if approved by the directors or CORSTUDIOS. Adequate information and doctors documentation required
~ Company Agreements
By signing this document, the customer agrees to all competitions listed and all expenses associated with company for the year (outlined in the Company agreement)
~By agreeing to this registration, you agree for us to post photos and or videos of registered child on our social media, advertising and studio promotional material for a period of 5 years from registration