By ticking and signing the Maffra Gymnastic Club enrolment form, I, approve of the application of my child or myself, and in doing so agree that the committee, coaches, assistants, and judges shall be released from, and shall not incur, any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any incident or injury to the applicant, or for any damage to or loss of property of the applicant. I further authorise The Maffra Gymnastic Club to obtain medical assistance in the case of an accident or emergency and I agree to bear all costs thereby incurred.
I have read or will read the Maffra Gymnastic Club's Safety Code, Fee Policy, Behaviour & Discipline Code, Smoke Free Policy & Injury & Illness Policy & that are on our website and available as a printed copy from the front desk.
I give permission for the Maffra Gymnastic Club to use written quotes, photographs, slide, video of my child for marketing, public relations, and instructional purposes.
The annual Gymnastics Australia/Gippsland Gymnastics/Club Membership fee is compulsory for ALL gymnasts. It provides membership and insurance for the current calendar year. It is Payable with the first enrolment of each calendar year.
I understand and accept the term fees are WITHIN 7 DAYS OF INVOICE DATE. Fees secure a place in a class. No compensation / refund is available for a missed session unless a medical certificate is provided. Other extenuating circumstances will also be taken into consideration by the committee. Refer the Fees Policy for further information.
Kinder gym and Recreational participants are encouraged to wear a leotard, or they can wear snug fitted singlets, T-shirt, shorts, leggings, track pants or hoodie. Please ensure these items are well fitted as loose-fitting clothing is a hazard. No skirts, dresses, jeans, board shorts, stockings or clothing with zips or buttons are permitted in training.
No-one is permitted to take part in classes without a complete and signed enrolment form.
The Club will endeavour to enrol all students as requested. However, enrolments are taken on a first come, first served basis. Enrolments will automatically roll over each term. Please inform us if you do not wish to continue. New enrolments will be offered at the end of term 4, for the following year.
Classes require a minimum of six participants to go ahead. In the case that the classes must be cancelled, participants will be offered alternative classes if possible.
We respect privacy of individuals and any information collected on this document will be used only for the purposes of processing your enrolment for the service. Providing up-to-date information helps us improve our service to you. By completing this form you are accepting that the parents/guardians and the child /adult participant have consented for this information to be collected and given to the intended recipients of this information, The Maffra Gymnastic Club & it's staff, Gymnastics Victoria, Gippsland Gymnastics and relevant Government authorities. You have the right to access / alter personal information concerning yourself and your child in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act (Amended 2001).
No food or drink is to be consumed inside the gymnastic area unless it is for medical reasons. There are 2 water coolers on the gym floor for drinking. If the training session is long, two hours or more, then a small snack break will be given to the gymnasts in which food may be eaten on the spectator seating area, - preferably fruit or a small energy bar. (No junk food or soft drink).
At different stages throughout the year the Maffra Gymnastic Club Inc. undertake fundraising events to purchase new equipment or for works to the gymnastics centre. It is expected that families will help where possible, as it is important for the successful running of our club.
If any day reaches a temperature of 40 Degrees Celsius or higher inside the gymnasium, gymnastics will be cancelled. A decision will be made by 3pm. If in doubt ring the gym to confirm if your child’s class is going to proceed on that day. If classes have been cancelled then a message will be put on our Facebook page. If classes are cancelled then a credit will be given in the following term.
Parents please escort participants into the gymnastics centre and outside to their transport after class has finished. This is particularly important when it is dark. Younger gymnasts should be escorted right into and out of the gymnastics area.
If you are 5 minutes or more late to class, you cannot take part of the class until you have undertaken a separate warm up. Warm up is an essential component of injury prevention.
• ALL gymnasts must be registered with Gymnastics Victoria
• Only enrolled participants & coaches judges are permitted to be on the gymnastics floor and equipment.
• Participants may bring a water bottle to training, although the facility has 2 water fountains. Sweet/fizzy drinks are prohibited.
• Gymnasts are only permitted onto the gymnastics floor when invited to do so by a coach. Participants may not start before class warm up commences.
• Running in the gym is prohibited - unless playing an authorised game, vaulting or tumbling.
• The only permitted jewellery are small stud earrings. Jewellery can get caught on fingers or an apparatus. Jewellery may also damage equipment.
• Jeans/leggings/stockings are NOT to be worn ON the fibreglass bar rails. They are a hazard as they “shine” the bar, which makes them slippery.
• Long hair must always be tied back. Hair can get caught in fingers, on apparatus’, obstruct vision and hit participants in the eyes when inverting or spinning.
Families are welcome to watch from the spectator area. Siblings, parents and friends of the enrolled gymnasts are not permitted on the floor area or to use the equipment.
Thank you for understanding & assisting us to keep our gym a safe place.
Maffra Gymnastic Club (MGC) recognises the importance of the setting, payment/collection and refund of fees to the membership, as well as to the financial viability of the club.
This policy applies to all members of the club.
Terms run with the school terms (Typically 10 weeks, though term lengths can vary significantly depending on the timing of Easter).
All classes are billed on a term by term basis and are payable within 7 days from date of invoice. Invoices will be provided to members prior to the start of each term or within a week of enrolment.
Holiday training may be offered from time to time at the club’s discretion. Invoices will be sent out at the completion of the holiday training.
Classes will not run on public holidays. Gymnasts not training due to Public Holidays are not entitled to any discount on fees as an allowance for this has already been made within the Term Fee.
Registration and Membership fee, including gymnastics insurance are an annual fee. The fee for each gymnast is required to be paid upfront and is non-refundable. Registration and Membership fees are current for the calendar year.
There are no make-up training sessions. Gymnasts that miss training sessions due to sickness or injury are not entitled to a fee reduction or refund unless a medical certificate is provided and is accompanied by a written refund request prior to the end of term in which the participant was absent. Other extenuating circumstances will also be taken into consideration by the committee.
The fee structure will be reviewed at least annually at the October or November Committee meeting and may
also be reviewed at any other time the committee deems necessary.
Fees will be calculated using a class fee which will be determined by the number of hours trained each week.
MGC will make every reasonable effort to notify members about any fee increase.
Sibling Discount - A 10% discount will be deducted from the 3rd and subsequent gymnasts term fees within one family. No discounts on Competition Fees, Club Membership, GV registration or GA affiliation for additional gymnasts apply.
Competitions, uniform, and additional training sessions, etc. are all offered from time to time by the Club. Where applicable, such fees must be paid in advance, and they are generally non-refundable.
Competitions fees are payable within 7 days of invoice. If payment is not received by 7 days prior to the competition date than the Club reserves the right to withdraw the gymnast from the competition.
Members and parents:
a) Members are required to pay term fees within 7 days from date of invoice;
b) Members are responsible for prompt payment of fees for all competition entries, uniform and additional training sessions or other costs relating to gymnastic training. Failure to pay by the due date may result in the gymnast missing out on these items.
The Head Coach and Administration Staff are responsible for ensuring this policy is adhered to and for ultimately ensuring all fees are collected in a timely manner.
1. Payment in full is required within 7 days from date of invoice.
2. Accounts referred to a Collection Agency or Solicitor will have all legal costs and commission added to the amount due.
3. Overdue Accounts will be subject to interest at a rate prescribed by the Penalty Interest Rates Act (Vic) plus 2%.
4. If payment is overdue by 30 days, payment must be made within 7 days or legal action will be taken.
5. Gymnasts will be excluded from classes if the Credit terms are not fulfilled.
6. Where more than one party is liable for payment of this account, they will be liable jointly and severally.
7. Enrolment is subject to our Conditions.
8. A 10% discount will be deducted from the lowest 3rd, 4th gymnast term fees - NO Discount on Competition Fees, Club Membership, GV Registration or GA Affiliation for additional gymnasts.
9. If payment is to be made by instalments, agreed date of payments, and amounts to be paid must be presented in writing (email preferred) to the Administration Officer within 7 days from invoice. All payments must be completed by the sixth week of term, with the first payment being made within 7 days from invoice date.
10. If gymnast participates in 50% or more classes, then full term payment must be made - no refund given. A medical certificate must be provided for any classes missed due to injury/illness. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration.
11. Invoices for holiday and any additional gymnastic training’s will be sent out at the completion of the training.
It is incumbent on everyone involved in gymnastics – participants, parents/carers, coaches, administrators and visitors to:
Treat others with respect
• Respect the personal space of others
• Respect the property of others
• Speak politely
• Follow directions
• Use club equipment appropriately
• Allow classes to run without unwarranted interruptions
• Uphold the club’s Safety Code
Breaches of the above are unacceptable. There are NO refunds for lessons missed due to misconduct. Depending on the severity and frequency of any undesirable conduct, the following will apply:
• Verbal reminder about the Behaviour & Discipline Code
• Written reminder about the Behaviour & Discipline Code
• Time out
• Removal from the venue (Parents/guardians will be called to collect a child)
• Attendance only with direct parent/guardian supervision for a designated period of time
• Prohibition on participation for a specified period of time
Maffra Gymnastic Club Inc. recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and that non-smokers should be protected from tobacco smoke.
Maffra Gymnastic Club Inc. endorses a smoke free policy requiring that:
? All Maffra Gymnastic Club Inc. events are smoke free.
? Administration and office areas to be smoke free.
? Change rooms and toilet blocks to be smoke free.
? Smoking is not to be permitted inside the gymnastics venue.
? All eating areas to be smoke free.
? Club meetings to be smoke free.
? Smoking is not permitted within ten metres of entrances at club facilities and functions.
? Social functions (including junior events, competitions, dinners, fundraising events, meetings) of the Maffra Gymnastic Club Inc. to be smoke free.
? Coaches, trainers, volunteers, and officials to refrain from smoking while they are acting in an official capacity and/or in uniform.
Non-compliance with this policy will be handled in the following process:
1. Explanation of Maffra Gymnastic Club Inc. policy on smoking to the person, including the identification of areas in which smoking is allowed.
2. In the case of continued non-compliance with the policy, officials will use their discretion as to the steps to be taken, which may include asking the person to leave the premises or function.
Procedure for handling illness of a gymnast or involvement in a minor accident (as deemed by Head Coach of group)
In the event of a child being ill or involved in a minor accident whilst attending a session at Maffra Gymnastic we shall:
1. Contact parent/s or guardians to collect the child. If the child has been involved in a minor accident, the accident will be recorded in the Medical Book located in the “Rolls box”, which will list the date, type of injury, care given and the coach providing the care.
2. If the parent / guardian is not able to be contacted, the second emergency contact (as authorized on the enrolment form) will be contacted to collect the child.
3. If both parent/s or guardians and emergency contact are unable to be contacted, then the Maffra Gymnastic Club (MGC) shall:
• provide first aid treatment as appropriate.
• Shall only administer approved medication (as per management plans, i.e., Ventolin) as required.
• If deemed necessary, we shall escalate treatment. This may include taking the child to their appointed medical clinic for treatment. MGC shall be authorized to transport the child in these circumstances.
Procedure for handling emergency medical situations.
If the child/adult receives a major injury or is experiencing an acute medical event:
1. The Head Coach of Group will administer immediate First Aid treatment
2. Coach 2 will call an ambulance (The Head Coach of the group has the final decision to call an ambulance for any child or adult if they deem necessary without the consent of the parent / guardian in a medical emergency i.e., life or limb threatening)
3. Contact the child’s parent / guardian as soon as practicable.
4. The Coaching staff will accompany the child in the ambulance providing it does not jeopardize the MGC staffing requirements and only if required.
All costs associated with an ambulance service will be the parent / guardian’s responsibility. Consent is assumed when making payment for casual sessions at MGC OR as agreed and signed on the enrolment form for members (clearly displayed at front reception)
Procedure when ill children are sent to gymnastics.
Parents must keep their child at home if they are suffering any of the listed illnesses as per the Infectious Diseases listed below by the Department of Human Services.
Parents / Emergency carer will be called to collect their child if the above illnesses are present and are affecting the child’s ability to participate in the days program.
An ill child will be kept comfortable and under observation until the parent or authorized emergency contact person collects the child.
Procedure for Medically related treatments
Adult gymnasts and parents of a junior gymnast must inform the Maffra Gymnastic Club on the Enrolment Form at the time of enrolment of any allergies or illnesses which requires medication or specific treatment should they occur, or which may be of a life-threatening nature e.g., Asthma, allergy, previous injury.
Maffra Gymnastic Club requires a formal treatment plan from a registered medical practitioner with a photo of the gymnast, symptoms that occur with the condition and treatment required.