Timetable changes
Whilst we endeavour to run all classes to our published timetable, due to Government restrictions, staff illness or changes we may on occasionly need to offer alternative arrangements. In this case families will always be notified as soon as we are aware of the situation
Cancellation policy
No refunds will be issued due to our Centre’s inability to run face to face classes due to enforced shutdowns. Pivotal Dance will commence running online classes in the event of a forced Government closure. All current students will be transferred to the online platform for the duration of the closure.
Change of Mind: No refunds are offered due to change of mind - i.e decision to leave once the term has commenced.
Refunds or credits are also not provided in relation to family holidays or illness with the exception of periods longer than 3 weeks where the studio is notified in writing. Holidays - please notify us prior to the generation of the term invoice. A medical certificate will be required where a student is injured/sick and where they are expected to be unable to attend for a period longer than 3 weeks.
Illness policy
It is essential that any students that are unwell do not attend class. If you or any student are displaying symptoms associated with Covid-19 it is highly recommended to undergo testing. In the event of testing postive please DO NOT ATTEND CLASSES for a period of 5 days. Following this the student should wear a mask in class for one week on their return.
MASKS: Masks are no longer mandated, however, in the event that a student tests positive to covid we would request that they NOT ATTEND for a period of 5 days, then wear a mask for the first week back in classes to protect the welfare of both other students and staff members.
Fee payment
Fees are structured on a per term basis. If you commence classes after the start of term, your fees will be adjusted accordingly.
Fees are invoiced 2 weeks prior to the start of each new term and payment in full is required by the due date of your invoice.
Where fees have not been received the student is not permitted to commence classes.
Late Payment fees
If your invoice is overdue without prior arrangement you will be charged a late fee. It costs us time and money to chase accounts. Late payment fee are as follows,
Courtesy Reminder – No Fee / 1st Reminder $10 / 2nd Reminder $10 / Recovery Fee $25
Photography and video may be taken during Pivotal Dance classes. Such media may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to reproduction on the Pivotal Dance social media platforms. By enrolling in Pivotal Dance classes you agree to such use by Pivotal Dance unless you notify us otherwise. (no personal details to identify the student will be shown except on our private Pivotal Dance Families Facebook group)
First Aid and Emergency procedures
In case of an emergency Pivotal Dance will first contact the parent and then seek medical advice, the expenses of which will be paid by the parent. Due to the nature of dance training, some physical contact may be necessary by a teacher to demonstrate exercises or techniques during class or if there is a need to administer first aid.
Teaching Contact
Due to the nature of dance training, some physical contact may be necessary by a teacher to demonstrate exercises or techniques during class or rehearsals. Where practical no physical contact will be made. Teachers have been provided training on how to better explain exercises verbally to students in order to maintain social distancing.
Pivotal Dance Pty Ltd reserves the right to refuse entry to classes to any student who disregards our published Code of Conduct including but not limited to a threat, intimidation, bullying or assaulting any staff member or other students or families. In the event this occurs no refunds will be issued for classes missed or any fees/invoices paid for at that time.
By submitting this enrolment, you agree you have read and understood our terms and conditions and Covid-19 restriction and expectations. You give consent for your child or children to participate in a Pivotal Dance Pty Ltd class (either in person or online) and understand the risk involved. You agree to accept full responsibility for any injury sustained to you or your child/children while attending classes, for any injury sustained by you, your child/children in the waiting areas, and for any loss or damage of property. You agree to forever discharge Pivotal Dance Pty Ltd. from all claims that you may have or may have had arising from, or in connection with, either you or your child/children and Pivotal Dance Pty Ltd