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Step Right Studios

Customer Details (Account Holder)

Participant Details

Select Participant

Please Note

If you wish to add a new student, please contact Step Right Studios.

Class Details

There are no classes for this Standard

Select Classes

Please select from the fields in Class Details area and press the 'Find Classes' button.
There are no classes to choose from.
0 Classes Added
Select the classes you wish to add to the student and then press the "Add Classes" button.

Items For Sale

Additional Items
Booking details

Customer Details

First name
Last name
Address 1
Address 2
Billing address 1
Billing address 2
Billing suburb
Billing state
Billing postcode
Mobile #2
Email #2


Clear Signature

Please sign above

Clear Signature

Please sign above


Payment Options

How do you wish to pay for this booking?

Order Details

Description Item Price Discount GST Total

If you have a Discount Code please enter it below.

Waiting for direct debit details
Please do not close this page, you will need to return here to complete your registration after the direct debit details have been entered. Enter Details

Card Details


Beecard Code

Please enter your beecard code below.

Company logo goes here.

Registration Complete. Thank You!