An annual registration fee is requried upon enrolment and will be invoiced in Term 1 . Enrolment is current for the Calander Year. Enrolment in classes will be rolled over from term to term. You do not have to re-enrol each term. Please notify our office if you wish cease your enrolment or make changes to selected classes.
An account for Term Fees will be issued via email at the commencement of each term upon registration and selection of classes.
Fees must be paid by the due date as indicated on your term invoice, unless prior arrangements (auto debit) have been made.
Fees are to be paid by the due date of each term and refunds will not be given once the term has commenced.
Fees are not payable by the class on a casual basis. Missed classes are non-refundable.
Enrolment for the New Dance Year will only be accepted if outstanding fees from prior years are finalised and paid in full. If Fees are outstanding from previous years, the students’ enrolment will be placed on a waiting list. Upon settlement of account, the student may commence classes for the New Year.
Turning Pointe Dance Studios has a stringent and very clear uniform policy, and it is part of our ethos and identity. Students who enroll at Turning Pointe Dance Studios are aware of this policy and agree upon enrolment that uniforms will be always worn.
I am informed that for my child to be considered for RAD examinations, he/she MUST attend two ballet classes per week of their level, however I realise that this still does not ensure eligibility if he/she is not ready.
I hereby give permission for my child to attend dance classes at the scheduled location and I understand that whilst every care and measure will be taken to ensure safety, participation in dance activities carries a risk of physical injury.
Each student participates at their own risk and teachers/staff of Turning Pointe Dance Studios are not liable for any injuries sustained during classes.
I hereby indemnify TPDS or its servants or agents against any claim by me on behalf of the above named student in relation to any injury sustained to my child’s person or any damage sustained to his/her property. Should it be considered at any time that the child requires medical assistance or hospital treatment, I hereby direct and authorise TPDS staff to obtain this assistance if needed.
I understand dance is a tactile art form and student/teachers will have physical contact in class.
I understand the Student is only supervised by the staff of the school during tuition. Appropriate drop-off and collection time must be arranged by the guardian/parent before and after tuition.
I give permission to use photographs/videos of the student for publicity & memorabillia purposes. (OR: If permission is not give I will email info@turningpointe.com.au with students details for flagging. Note: It is the student/parent responsibility to remove themselves from announced group/studio photos where possible.
I will ensure my child and I both understand the Code of Conduct & School Rules of Turning Pointe Dance Studios, and will help instill them with positivity and school spirit.
I am very excited to welcome you to our Turning Pointe Dance Studios Family, and I look forward to a fun filled year ahead!
Melanie Connors